Tuesday, January 12, 2016

An Update about Updates

Hi, everyone!  Looks like I have a blog now.  Yup, this is it.  Don't mind me, I'm just looking around here...nice and roomy, actually.

I've toyed with the idea of starting a blog for a long time, but I didn't trust myself to post things with any regularity.  However, the upcoming trip to Uganda will give me a great reason to do so (learn more about it on the "Details" page!).  I'll make no hard and fast promises about the frequency of updates, but I will tell you I'd like it to be weekly, and I'll try very hard for it to be at least monthly.

So...right, update.  Being home has given me great opportunities to see friends and family, and I've been trying to balance this with preparing for the trip (and with finishing up some things for school).  Right now, I'm four (!) days away from leaving for orientation in Colorado, and trying to pull together everything that needs to be done by then.  I'd appreciate your prayers for things to come together!

Also, I'm very close to my support goal of $8,000, but not yet at it, so feel free to swing by the "Support" page over there :)

Let's keep the first update short - maybe then there will be more soon.

Thanks for reading!

-David Wit

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