Friday, February 26, 2016

Hi, friends!

I'm sorry - I realized that I left you hanging somewhat after the last post.  In short, things were quiet here, and other than some cabin fever from staying inside the compound for three days straight, everything was fine (at least we have a substantial yard - it could have been a lot worse).  I would summarize the elections for you, but Trevor Noah has already done such a good job...

Joking aside, though, the most significant thing about the elections is that they were peaceful.  There were some disturbances and some teargas, but very few people died and everything was calm out here.  Thank you for your prayers - please keep them coming as Uganda moves forward from here.

I'll have some more posts soon, I promise!

-David Wit


  1. Good to hear you're doing well, David! I'm trusting God will be doing some awesome things in and through you in this season! Be blessed, brother.
    -Chris Tower

  2. As people said, peaceful as long as the current president wins... I'm glad for your sake it was peaceful. I do hope that sometime in the future Uganda will have a peaceful election without locking up the opposition leaders.
