Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Safari Photos

Following up on my pictures from yesterday, here are some long-overdue pictures from the Safari we took in Murchison Falls in February :)

Baboon! We stayed one night in an unfenced camp in the park, and there was a baboon causing all kinds of trouble the next morning. This one is sitting in recently burned parkland - during the dry season, the savannah burns (either naturally or intentionally - this might have been a controlled burn inside the park). People will burn their lands to clear away the brush and prepare it for cropland - though doing so isn't necessarily the best thing for the soil.

This is a Ugandan Cob - only found in Uganda!

I don't remember the name of this bird, but isn't it interesting?

A watering hole! You can see warthogs (look at their tails!) and cobs in this picture. It was the dry season, so there were quite a lot of animals around these.

Somehow I managed to take this awesome picture of a giraffe.

I decided that I want to live just about here. What you can't see is the lake in the distance (is it Lake Albert? We weren't sure). And this picture doesn't quite capture the way the sunlight caught the grass at this moment. It was pretty nice.

We made it to the lake! Those bumps in the water are hippos. We played frisbee for a while, until it started getting dark and the hippos started moving closer to shore. Then we decided it was time to go.

In summary - I was sorely tempted to break out into songs from The Lion King several times.

I'll end with a picture of Murchison Falls - though a picture doesn't really do it justice. 

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